5 Common Pest Control Plants

pathway surrounded by flowers

Pests are a fact of life. Whether you live in a big mansion or a small apartment, it’s almost impossible to avoid insects and other vermin completely. At Frame’s Pest Control, Inc. we offer a range of solutions to treat a range of pest problems. However, for certain pests, there are hacks you can use that will hopefully prevent you from having to deal with an infestation in the first place.

One such hack: plants. As simple as it may sound, one of the best things you can do to avoid unwanted guests is to buy and plant certain types of vegetation that will act as a natural repellant for insects. The best time to put these plants in your garden is in the winter. Keep reading on for more information about our top five plants that can help protect your home from pests.


If you garden, you probably already know what a pain snails can be. These mollusks (that’s right—snails are not insects!) are strong climbers, and can easily make their way up flowering plants to eat the buds. They also strip bark off young trees, chew holes through leaves, and eat fruit just as it starts to turn ripe. Planting fennel is a great way to keep snails away, in addition to the fact that it’s just nice to have this plant around your kitchen. If there are shaded, wet areas in your garden, it is an especially good idea to put some fennel down, as snails are naturally attracted to these spots.


Mint is a natural insect repellent and can be used in various ways to help keep pests away. Mint has strong aromatic properties that make it an effective deterrent for many insects, including mosquitoes, fleas, moths, flies, and ants. To keep these pests at bay, you can use mint in two main ways: raw or prepared. Raw mint can be placed around the home to leave its scent and ward off unwanted bugs. Alternatively, you can also boil fresh or dried mint leaves to create a natural pest-repelling spray that can be used indoors or outdoors. This method is especially useful for outdoor areas where other forms of pesticide may not be safe for humans or animals. By utilizing this powerful plant’s natural pest-repelling properties, you can keep your home pest-free and naturally fragrant. It is important to note that mint's insect-repelling abilities are only effective if the scent is renewed on a regular basis. Therefore, it’s necessary to either add fresh mint regularly or reapply the spray every few days. Additionally, be mindful of where you place raw or prepared mint as it may attract pets or other wildlife! With these simple tips, you can make use of the natural power of mint to protect your home from pests without harsh chemicals.


Lavender is a powerful natural pest repellent that can help keep unwanted pests at bay. The plant works by releasing an intense aroma that repels insects, including moths, fleas, and mosquitoes. Lavender has also been shown to be effective against rodents such as mice and rats. When planted near doorways or windows, the scent of lavender will help prevent these pests from entering your home. It can also be used in sachets around the house to deter them from coming back once they have left. Additionally, its strong scent may also act as an alert system when strange animals or insects enter your property. With all these benefits, it's no wonder why lavender is becoming increasingly popular as a natural way to protect your home from pests.


Chrysanthemums are a great way to naturally deter pests from gardens and other outdoor areas. The flowers contain a chemical called pyrethrin, which acts as an effective insect repellent. When planted around the perimeter of a garden or other outdoor area, they can help prevent bugs and other small critters from entering. Additionally, chrysanthemum plants attract beneficial insects like ladybugs, lacewings, and hoverflies that feed on common garden pests like aphids and spider mites. Planting these flowers can help maintain a balance of insects in the area without having to use pesticides or other chemicals. Chrysanthemums also provide beautiful accents to any garden setting with their bright blooms! 


In many ways, marigolds are the first flower you should plant if you want to keep insects away. In addition to their beautiful name and appearance, these perennials are great for kicking flying insects out of your garden—especially if you like are growing produce. Just plant these flowers in each garden box or vegetable bed, and you can expect a delicious crop when springtime comes around. Granted, due to their color and nutritional benefits, marigolds have been known to attract bees, though this is a tradeoff you will always need to consider when creating a garden

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